100th Jubilee

column1Centennial Celebrations 2016.



We welcome “Heaphy Mining Ltd” as the first sponsor for our Centennial Celebrations in 2016

“You can take the boy out of Ngakawau.

But you can’t take Ngakawau out of the Boy.”

 The old adage above applies to our two main sponsors, John Mumm and Paul Murphy. Both were born, raised and educated in Ngakawau and Granity respectively but later left the district to pursue their chosen careers. John and Paul have never forgotten their “roots” and both have demonstrated their loyalty and affection for the Club by making substantial donations to the Ngakawau RFU Centennial Committee.

Our grateful thanks John and Paul for their financial assistance and continued support.

John MacArthur has joined the sponsorship list. As with John Mumm and Paul Murphy John has never forgotten his  “roots” and follows the fortunes of the district and the Ngakawau Club with interest. John is currently domiciled in Perth, Western Australia.

The Centennial Committee is grateful for John’s support.

We look forward to renewing old friendships at Easter 2016.

ProBrands Clothing  +64 03 547 2765

Centennial Sponsor – ProBrands Clothing
+64 03 547 2765


Centennial Committee:

Dan Moloney Chairman

John Poynter Treasurer

Ray Armstrong Publicity/Website

Paul Clarkson

Karl Clementson

Neal Clementson

Rodney Dawe

John Dickson

Alan Ireland

Libby Morgan

Rex Mumm

Kelly Taylor

Hugh Tyler

Lisa Slee

Rochana Syron

Max Woollett


Friday 25th

McManus’s Hotel Registration and Get together.

Saturday 26th

Ngakawau Domain


Rugby Game


Centennial dinner at Ngakawau 

Sunday 27th

Magical Mystery Bus Tour followed by a BBQ


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